יום שישי, 14 בנובמבר 2008

That 70's Show

T.V. series-comedy

Donna Pinciotti
Unemployed, high school student
Smart, red-head girl, very masculine, and has a deep voice.

Steven Hyde
Unemployed, high school student
The guy with the puffy curly hair, looks like a hippy but likes to fight.

Michael Kelso
Unemployed, high school student
The typical hot, girly boy, he's not very wise.

Jackie Burkhart
Unemployed, high school student
The rich, daddy's little spoiled girl that gets all that she wants.

Unemployed, high school student
The foreign exchange student that doesn't speak English well, he's very feminine.

Eric Forman
Unemployed, high school student
The very skinny weak geeky guy, all the friends always hang at his basement.

Laurie Forman
Unemployed, high school student
The stupid, hottest, and blond girl that had slept with all the guys in the neighborhood.

My summary is that this series doesn’t follow the usual characteristics as in other series. First, the hippy supposes to be a peace lover while in this series likes to fight. Second, the geek, the hippy, the cool guy and the foreign exchange student will probably won't hang out together. Third, and last, the girl that is masculine supposes to be a lesbian, but she isn't. Actually, Eric and she is a couple. In addition, Fez, the very feminine guy, supposes to be gay, but actually, he likes girls very much and rarely hides in the closet and looks at couples.
On the other hand, the series does have some of the characteristics as in usual series. For example, the girl, Jackie, is usually spoiled and likes to act as a little girl. Another example is Laurie. Blond girls usually are stupid as her and sluty. A third and last example is Michael. He is the cool guy; they do usually, look too much in the mirror and love themselves the most.

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