יום שלישי, 30 בספטמבר 2008

Super Size Me Video

Both the reviews I have read were about the experiment Morgan Sparlock had done a whole month and how much weight he gained and damaged his liver severely. His experiment consisted of a fat-free diet by eating three times a day, meals only from McDonalds. In case his experiment succeeds of demonstrating that because of McDonalds he had gained much weight, he would be able to sue McDonalds...BIG s

In the review by McFrightening, he tells about Sparlock from a dark point of view. He insults him already on the first sentence of the text. McFrightening believes that the movie indicates that it's all McDonalds fault that obesity exists. In his review, McFrightening says: "ultimately it's the contention that fast food is the engine driving highlights the fact that because of Big Mac, people get massive heart attacks which concludes to the point in which, he believes, McDonalds should be closed down and the obesity percent would decreased.

At the review of David Edistin, there was also an unpleasant point of view towards Sparlock. It seamed Edistin had thought Sparlock had just played around with his body too see what would happen. In the review, Edistin also talks about how Sparlock had to consume 5,000 calories a day while accompanied by a small number of doctors and nutritionist. Edistin also pointed out that Sparlock had gained twenty-five pounds when he ate three meals a day, only at McDonalds; each time Sparlock was asked to super size, he had to accept. Edistin mention that in years before, he was also an obese person. But, he had exercised many months and eventually lost sixty pounds. His main point was that Sparlock did a mistake in the film, giving weight to lawyers suing McDonalds on behalf of obesity and that it is an easy target for libertarians. He revealed an opinion, that people should not sue McDonalds because of obesity; they should just stop eating from them.
I believe that both of the reviews are suitable but, I am still hanging in the middle. I am not sure to which side I rather believe in. I am certain though, that something should be done with in regard of McDonalds and their super sizing meals must be forbidden.

The Corporation Video

The corporation video is a very interesting subject that greatly emphasized some important issues, aspects, concerning Human Rights.

The fact that a corporation has the rights as a person is astonishing but also unusual.
Corporations are allowed to sue and be sued by either other coroperations or people. This knowledge really amazes me.

During the corporation video, there was a secret interview with Nike. There was also information about the cheep labor many corporations are involved in. These companies are using people, every day, for hours and hours but paying them only eight cents per an hour. That's absurd. These people are working their ass out every day for eighteen hours but get about three-tens of the product's price they are making.

Such sick people should be in prison. Another type of odd persons that should be punished for their doing and prisoners for life are those who believe that…"in devastation, there is opportunity." The kind of people who think of profit on the expense of other people's hurt. An example is the owner of Fanta Orange. During World War II, the Fanta Orange was also called the Nazi drink because it was sold mostly to Germans. Coca Cola wanted to keep getting a profitable paycheck while people were dying.

Another part in the ideas that really hurt my feelings is the IBM Company, is selling her computers all around the globe with no concern to what it's used for. During World War II the Germans had the IBM computers in every concentration camp. The IBM Company had a contract with the Germans but when they were asked if they have any contracts with the Germans, they denied it even though the contract was told about in a newspaper.
I am relieved, though, that there are some good people that do care and that they have power that helps them make the world a better place. An example for that kind of persons is President Roosevelt; the man had gone against the corporations and their rights. I am very thankful to him.

יום שלישי, 9 בספטמבר 2008

Critical Questions

1. What is the difference between a photograph in the news and a photograph in art?

- The difference between a photograph of news and art is that a photograph of the news gives facts about a specific situation or event in time. A photograph of art, on the other hand, has many sides to it without any particular fact. Each person who sees a photograph of art may have a point-of-view that is different from someone else who saw it.

2. What is the difference between a photographer and a photojournalist?

- Both the photographer and the photojournalist are dealing with photographs but with different styles. The photographer usually takes pictures as his heart desires weather to a specific goal or just as art. A photojournalist, on the other hand, may take only pictures involving events and or facts; for example, journals or the newspaper.

יום ראשון, 7 בספטמבר 2008

Pictures - Story

Media Consumption Log

Sept. 6, 2008

11:00 I woke up
11:00-12:00 I ate breakfast with my family
12:00-14:00 I played the guitar while my brother watched a movie (scary about big killing worms)
15:00-16:00 I washed the dishes and watched the movie "last holiday"
17:00-18:30 I was practicing the guitar for my guitar class with the song "stuck in the middle"
18:30-20:00 I was getting ready for the Welcome Back Dance
20:00-23:00 I was in the Welcome Back Dance